
The career benefits of lerning Irish are nt immediately obvious and if learning a language was solely about career progression, Irish would be top on the agenda. However, learning any language is good for the brain, the soul and the CV. It shows tenacity, commitment and an unusual asset.

Irish is a great choice if you merely want to acquire a language but don't have a particular reason to pick one over another. Irish is beautiful, unusual, ancient and will always be an interesting discussion point in social and interview situations. It will make travelling around Ireland and conversing with the Irish much more interesting and enjoyable and you will definitely have a feel-good-factor. If you are Irish and want to get in touch with your routes, then it would be really interesting to say you learnt Irish whilst in the UAE!

If you want to learn a language for enjoyment, Irish would be a wonderful one to choose.

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1 courses from 1 providers in UAE